Time for action – making the second sample
The second suggestion for a name is the Faceboat out of Monte Carlo. This time, you will use the Text Editor to help you input the text:
- Create a New Blender file.
- Look at the window below the 3D View. This is the Timeline window. In the lower-left corner of the Timeline window, click the LMB on the Editor Type menu. Select Text Editor, as shown in the left side of the next graphic.
- In the Text Editor header, select Text, and then choose Create Text Block from the pop-up menu, as shown here on the right.
- In the Text Editor, type in
, a carriage return, andmonte carlo
. - In the 3D View, press the NumPad 7 key to get the Top view.
- Press X to delete the default cube.
- Press Shift + A and choose Text from the menu.
- Press Ctrl + MMB and use the mouse to zoom in a bit so that you can see better.
- Press the Tab key to go into Edit Mode.
- Press the Backspace key to delete the letters. Notice that as you do it, in the Tool Shelf, the lower subpanel displays...