Test Studio terminology
In the world of test automation, several terms are commonly used to describe the elements that are part of it.
Among them, all of which are related to Test Studio, we have the following:
- Test cases: When developing an application, we segment it into various use cases, which essentially represent the different functionalities we aim to incorporate within the application. These use cases form the basis of our test cases.
For example, if we are working with an expense tracking app, we need to ensure that only allowed expenses can be submitted for a given user profile. In this case, the test case would have to cover the necessary interactions to demonstrate that this requirement is always met. Test cases are composed of a series of steps, which we will call test steps. These test steps are written using Power Fx, the coding language that’s used across Power Platform (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-platform/power-fx/overview).
- Test suites...