Analyzing events
Events support two overlay operations: union and intersection. The event tables or event layers can be used as input in an overlay analysis operation.
To avoid errors, respect the following conditions:
Use the same measure system
Measures should be incremented in the same direction and reference the same route
Event layers should cover the same area
The result of an overlay operation is a new event table that contains the attributes from the input tables.
Getting ready
In this section, you want to identify the possible traffic jam sections generated by the speed restriction and frequent stops of the buses as shown in the following screenshot:

You can use this information to relocate some bus stops or bus lines in order to reduce traffic congestion.
You will perform a line-on-point intersection of two event tables: BusStop
and SpeedLimits
. Your SpeedLimits
line event table contains only the section with the speed limit of 30 km per hour. Both event tables reference the BusRoute_m