IV.9 Architecture Decisions
We will now look into the various factors that will influence the architectural decisions to be made while building the application.
Using GPSBabel to Convert TCX into GPX Format
Popular JavaScript mapping frameworks allow us to include geometries from GPX data on maps. Most Garmin devices, however, record track data in TCX format, so I needed a way to convert TCX into GPX. Both formats are relatively simple and, especially in the case of GPX, are well-documented formats.
- Conversion should handle TCX files with single tracks, laps, and additional points without any problems.
- The focus of this project has been on developing a modern application backend for an AngularJS SPA, not parsing GPX data.
- Using an external, non-Java-based tool makes it harder for people who just want to try out this application.
- Although well-documented, both file types can contain a variety of information (routes, tracks, waypoints, and so...