Titanium allows you to build an app that runs with native controls on a range of devices, from small screen Android devices to the latest iPads. This is both a tremendous advantage and also a responsibility. Your users will expect the same engaging familiar experience regardless of the format. If you deploy to all supported formats—iOS, Android, and mobile web (I know I have not mentioned this before, but you can create web apps using Titanium but by using MVC it gets easier)—you will have users who are accessing your content on screens with resolutions ranging from 320 x 240 to 1024 x 768 pixel and possibly even higher. These devices range from small phones through the latest hi-res tablets and even to browsers in high-end desktop systems. It is clear that you cannot have the same layout for all devices; it would look ridiculous. That is why it is particularly important when using Titanium to separate your code, especially the UI elements. You have different layouts for different devices...