Creating scatter plots with Bokeh-Scala
In this section, we'll take a brief look at the most popular visualizing framework in Python, called Bokeh, and use its (also fast-evolving) Scala bindings to the framework. Breeze also has a visualization API called breeze-viz, which is built on JFreeChart. Bokeh is backed by a JavaScript visualization library, called BokehJS. The Scala bindings library bokeh-scala
 not only gives an easier way to construct glyphs (lines, circles, and so on) out of Scala objects, but also translates glyphs into a format that is understandable by the BokehJS JavaScript components. The various terms in Bokeh actually mean the following:
Glyph: All geometric shapes that we can think of--circles, squares, lines, and so on - are glyphs. This is just the UI representation and doesn't hold any data. All the properties related to this object just help us modify the UI properties:
, width and so on.Plot: A plot is like a canvas on which we arrange various objects...