Various application integration examples
This section contains various production examples that are currently available. Hence, before developing integration with Alfresco, you can check these examples to evaluate if you can reuse any of them for your application.
Integrating with Liferay
Liferay is the world's leading open source enterprise portal. Corporations use it to provide a unified web interface to data and tools scattered across many sources. Within Liferay portal, a portal interface is composed of a number of portlets—self-contained, interactive elements written to a particular standard. For more information, refer to the Liferay web site at
Liferay provides Alfresco Portlets, which can be connected to your existing Alfresco repository. The Liferay framework supports web services, and thus offers various integration options.
Various available options
Alfresco protocols have changed since version 3. To use Alfresco with Liferay, there are different options....