The example of an AI movie recommendation chatbot
In this project, we will develop a movie recommendation chatbot using the MovieLens dataset. The chatbot will understand user preferences and recommend suitable movies based on the similarity of user ratings.
Project overview
The workflow of this project includes the following steps:
- Telegram token: Generate a token for the Telegram bot (see the Detailed steps to configure the bot subsection).
- Data preprocessing: Load and prepare the data for further processing.
- ML model training: Use the preprocessed data to train our ML model.
- Chatbot implementation: Use the trained model to implement the chatbot functionality.
- Chatbot testing and evaluation: Test the chatbot and evaluate its performance.
Key features
Here are the key features of the chatbot:
- Movie recommendation: The chatbot provides movie recommendations based on a given movie title.
- User-friendly chat interface: It’s interactive...