In this chapter, we focused on how to create a setup for an MPBF 3D printer and how to simulate the process using finite element analysis. The MPBF process is one of the most expensive 3D-printing technologies, both in capital expenditure and material cost. Process simulation helps us identify whether our additive setup will produce the desired outcome or not. If we are able to detect and remedy potential failures such as recoater blade crashes or large distortions before 3D printing, we can save a lot of time and money during the manufacturing phase.
In the first section of this chapter, we focused on how to generate an additive setup with an MPBF machine and highlighted the various parameters within the print settings that control the process simulation input. We also showcased how to set up a process simulation study. We demonstrated how to define process conditions, such as build plate heating, and modify key inputs to the finite element analysis solver, such as mesh...