Commands related to application deployment
The CLI can also be used to deploy applications. The CLI assumes that the MyApp.war
file is in the working directory outside of the jboss-cli
. Here's a quick reference to the deploy commands:
- List of deployed applications:
- Deploy an application on a standalone server:
deploy MyApp.war
- Redeploy an application on a standalone server:
deploy -f MyApp.war
- Undeploy an application:
undeploy MyApp.war
- Deploy an application on all server groups:
deploy MyApp.war --all-server-groups
- Deploy an application on one or more server groups (separated by a comma):
deploy application.ear --server-groups=main-server-group
- Undeploy an application from all server groups:
undeploy application.ear --all-relevant-server-groups
- Undeploy an application from one or more server groups:
undeploy as7project.war --server-groups=main-server-group
- Undeploy an application without deleting the content:
undeploy application.ear --server-groups=main-server-group --keep-content