In Vue 2, we always needed to have a parent node wrapping the components inside the single-file components. This was caused by the way in which the render engine of Vue 2 was constructed, requiring a root element on each node.
In Vue 2, we needed to have a wrapper element, encapsulating the elements that will be rendered. In the example, we have a div HTML element, wrapping two p HTML child elements, so we can achieve multiple elements on the page:
<p>This is two</p>
<p>children elements</p>
Now, in Vue 3, it's possible to declare any number of root elements on the single-file components without the need for special plugins using the new Fragments API, which will handle the multiple root elements. This helps to maintain a cleaner final code for the user, without the need for empty shells just for wrapping elements:
<p>This is two</p>
<p>root elements...