In the last chapter of The React Workshop, we started by taking a look at some previously discussed fundamentals about Refs and React in general. Concepts such as encapsulation via props and the different ways to use Refs led to you finally gaining traction with Refs. From there, you went on to not only use Refs for practical use cases but also explored cloneElement
and createPortal
, which are often encountered when applying Refs in React source code.
Afterward, you explored more sophisticated concepts of React when you leveraged a higher-order component to enhance child components by cloning and adding custom props to them. On top of that, you beamed components from your React application to an outer scope using React portals. Finally, you put all the pieces together and implemented a modal that encapsulates all the logic and that is controllable via props. The modal is so flexible and reusable that it can be put anywhere in the source code and be passed a mounting point...