9. Going Serverless with OpenFaaS
Learning Objectives
By the end of this chapter, you will be able to:
- Set up the OpenFaaS framework on a Minikube cluster
- Create, build, deploy, list, invoke, and delete functions with the OpenFaaS CLI
- Deploy and invoke OpenFaaS functions from the OpenFaaS portal
- Return an HTML web page from OpenFaaS functions
- Set up the Prometheus and Grafana dashboards to monitor OpenFaaS functions
- Configure function autoscaling to adjust the function count based on demand
In this chapter, we aim to set up the OpenFaaS framework on top of a Minikube cluster and study how we can work with OpenFaaS functions, using both the OpenFaaS CLI and OpenFaaS portal. We will also look into features such as observability and autoscaling with OpenFaaS.