Understanding the SSO class
The SAP Intelligent RPA provides one function extension to the SDK called the Single Sign On library, referred to as the SSO Library. This library includes the ctx.sso
class with methods to implement the SSO for a page that allows users to enter the username and password.
Ensure that SSO Library is checked under the Libraries tab of the Edit project dialog to include this SSO library in the source code, as shown in the following screenshot:
Figure 18.4 – Enabling the SSD library for the project
Once this SSO is included in the project, you will see that the ctx.sso
class source code is included in the source under the Framework Extensions node in the Scripts panel, as shown in the following screenshot:
Figure 18.5 – SSD library included in the source code
The source code for this library is available in the ctx.sso.js
file under the <<project folder>>\\bin\lib\ctx
folder to explore...