As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.
64-bit signed integer (i64) 42
64-bit unsigned integer (u64) 42
access keys 249
full access keys 250
function call keys 250
account structure, NEAR
account ID 247
addresses 248
implicit accounts 248
named accounts 248
actors, Polkadot ecosystem 299
collators 300, 301
nominators 300
validators 299
adaptive staking 297
advanced staking concepts 297
reward distribution 298
slashing 297
stash accounts and controller accounts 298
validator performance monitoring 298
validator rotation 298
American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) 45
Anchor 206, 207
compiling, with anchor build 211
concepts 207, 208
deploying, with anchor deploy 211
installing 208
Yarn, installing 209
Anchor project...