This chapter explained in detail the background of Redis Sentinel and how it works. Its goal is very simple; it is meant to provide automatic failover in a group of Redis master/slave instances, and it does not distribute data among different hosts.
Redis Cluster, on the other hand, has broader goals. It was created to make Redis a distributed data store with automatic failover and data sharding.
Different architectures were presented, along with good practices, and then cluster administration via Redis commands was shown. Lastly, redis-trib, a tool that makes Redis Cluster administration easier, was introduced.
The Redis website is a great source of information. It has very detailed information on all the commands available, along with many examples and specifications about Redis Cluster.
We hope you have enjoyed reading this book and learning more about the history and capabilities of Redis. We hope this book will help you the next time you have a big problem to solve using a fast...