Understanding language with the Transformer model
In this chapter, we solved two sequence modeling problems using RNN-based NNs. However, a new architecture has recently emerged that has been shown to outperform the RNN-based seq2seq models in several NLP tasks.
It is called the Transformer architecture, capable of modeling global dependencies between input and output sequences, and was introduced in 2017 by Ashish Vaswani, et. al., in the NeurIPS paper Attention Is All You Need (available online at http://papers.nips.cc/paper/7181-attention-is-all-you-need). The Transformer architecture is based on a concept called attention, and more specifically, the self-attention mechanism. Let's consider the sentiment analysis task that we covered earlier in this chapter. In this case, using the attention mechanism would mean that our model would be able to learn to focus on the parts of an input sequence that are more relevant to the sentiment.