Running your sketch in the Android Emulator
Now that you've installed the Android SDK, it's time to get your hands dirty and write some code. We'll start by writing a simple sketch and run it inside the Android Emulator. If you don't have access to an Android device, the emulator is a great application to test your apps.
How to do it...
The code for this app is very straightforward. It leaves a trace of colored circles across the screen. You'll notice that the size()
function looks a little different. We don't set the dimensions of the sketch window in pixels, as we don't know the screen resolution of the device that our app will run on.
float x; float y; float prevX; float prevY; float d; float h; void setup() { size( displayWidth, displayHeight ); background( 0 ); smooth(); x = random( width ); y = random( height ); prevX = x; prevY = y; stroke( 255, 128 ); colorMode( HSB, 360, 100, 100, 100 ); } void draw() { x += random( -30, 30 ); y += random( -30, 30 );...