Performing EDA with Seaborn and pandas
We already looked at some of the steps of EDA – mainly numeric analysis, with some plotting. There are many other plots we didn't cover in the previous chapter: boxplots, violin plots, correlograms, missing value plots, and more. Let's look at creating some of these plots.
Making boxplots and letter-value plots
First, we'll take a look at the classic boxplot. This was invented in 1970 by the legendary statistician and mathematician John Tukey. The boxplot helps us to quickly see some information about the distribution of a dataset and enables us to compare subsets of the data easily. Just like histograms and bar plots, boxplots are available in the pandas
plotting tools. Before we start examining data, let's first load it and transform some columns:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('data/itunes_data.csv')
df['Minutes'] = df['Milliseconds'] / (1000 * 60)