Steps to measure throughput of a GoldenGate configuration
One of the important tasks in operational maintenance of an infrastructure component is to measure its performance. Once you have the statistics, you can compare them to the expected results, and then take the necessary steps to fix the deviation. GoldenGate replication is often used to replicate a large amount of data between systems. Even if you don't have any noticeable performance degradation, you will sometimes need to know how well the replication is performing. When it comes to measuring the performance of GoldenGate replication, one of the aspects is the throughput. There are two types of throughput that you can measure in a GoldenGate configuration, namely, data throughput and operational throughput . In this recipe, we will look into various steps using which you can measure both of them. We will also discuss how this information can be used for tuning the performance of replication and also how to resolve issues.