Chapter 1, Get into Shape with @NgModule, discusses the @NgModule decorator, which clearly defines a segment of functionality in your app . This will be the organizational unit of your project. Before you begin building your app, you will gain many benefits by taking a moment and thinking about the various units/sections/modules that you may need/want for your app.
Chapter 2, Feature Modules, teaches you that structuring your app with feature modules offers many advantages for maintainability in the future and reduces duplication of code throughout your app.
Chapter 3, Our First View via Component Building, actually lets us see our app for the first time, where we need to build a Component for our first view.
Chapter 4, A prettier view with CSS, looks at how to turn our first view into something pretty amazing with a few CSS classes. We will also focus on how to utilize NativeScript's core theme to provide a consistent styling framework to build on.
Chapter 5, Routing and Lazy Loading, allows users to navigate around the various views in our app that will need to set up routing. Angular provides a powerful router that, when combined with NativeScript, works hand in hand with the native mobile page navigation system on iOS and Android. Additionally, we will set up the lazy loading of various routes to ensure that our app's launch time remains as speedy as possible.
Chapter 6, Running the App on iOS and Android, focuses on how to run our app on iOS and Android via NativeScript's tns command-line utility.
Chapter 7, Building the Multitrack Player, covers plugin integration and provides a direct access to Objective C/Swift APIs on iOS and Java APIs on Android via NativeScript.
Chapter 8, Building an Audio Recorder, works with native APIs to build an audio recorder for iOS and Android.
Chapter 9, Empowering your views, takes advantage of Angular's flexibility and NativeScript's power to get the most out of your app's user interface.
Chapter 10, @ngrx/store + @ngrx/effects for state management, manages app state via a single store with ngrx.
Chapter 11, Polish with SASS, integrates the nativescript-dev-sass plugin to polish our app's style with SASS.
Chapter 12, Unit testing, set up the Karma unit testing framework to future proof our app.
Chapter 13, Integration Testing with Appium, sets up Appium for integration testing.
Chapter 14, Deployment Preparation with webpack Bundling, works with webpack to optimize the bundle for release.
Chapter 15, Deploying to the Apple App Store, lets us distribute our app via the Apple App Store.
Chapter 16, Deploying to Google Play, lets us distribute our app via Google Play.