So far, we've explored one-off assignments of simple value types, and while these values are considered objects, they're still (reasonably) simple objects. Once created, variables holding simple values, such as integers and strings, can diverge without affecting one another.
That is, the numeric value assigned to each variable is independent following creation:
$i = $j = 5
Each of the following commands increases the value held in the i variable by creating a new integer object (based on the original object):
$i = $j = 5 $i++ $i += 1 $i = $i + 1
If each statement is executed in turn, the i variable will be 8, and the j will be 5 variable .
When changing the value of a property on a more complex object, the change will be reflected in any variable referencing that object. Consider the following example, where we create a custom object...