Thought leadership
You are now leading a cohesive SE team with a solid culture and retention rate. In addition, your SEs are gaining technical wins across the region and, because of their efforts and the AEs, the DM is making or exceeding his quota number. You might think to yourself, “I guess I will head over to the golf course for the rest of the year now and work on my putting game.” Wrong! SE teams are kind of like rose bushes. When the environment is perfect, they are truly a thing of beauty. However, for anyone who has tried to maintain them throughout the summer months, it takes quite a bit of effort to defend and protect them against bugs, disease, sun damage, and so on.
Now that you have nurtured and grown your rose bush, you are its primary defender, and yes, you still have a lot of work to do. Let’s dig into the concept of thought leadership for the SE Manager.
Internal organization
You are the voice of your SEs to the leadership of the company...