1:1 NAT also known as one-to-one NAT, addresses a scenario somewhat opposite to the scenario covered by Outbound NAT. Whereas with Outbound NAT, we were concerned with network traffic flowing from the local network to the WAN, 1:1 NAT allows us to map one public IP address to one private IP address, thus making a resource that otherwise would only be available on the local network available on the WAN side (that is, via the internet). All traffic from that private IP to the internet will then be mapped to the public IP specified in the 1:1 NAT mapping. This will override the Outbound NAT settings. Conversely, all traffic initiated on the internet which is destined for the specified public IP address will then be translated to the private IP. Then it will be evaluated according to the WAN firewall ruleset, and if the traffic is permitted by the WAN rules, it will be passed...