The R-help mailing list
R-help is the official, main mailing list providing general discussion about problems and solutions using R, with many active users and several dozen e-mails every day. Fortunately, this public mailing list is archived on several sites, and we can easily download the compressed monthly files from, for example, ETH Zurich's R-help archives:
> library(RCurl) > url <- getURL('')
Now let's extract the URL of the monthly compressed archives from this page via an XPath query:
> <- htmlParse(url) > <- unlist(xpathApply(, + "//table//td[3]/a", xmlAttrs), use.names = FALSE)
And now let's download these files to our computer for future parsing:
> dir.create('r-help') > for (f in + download.file(url = paste0(url, f), + file.path('help-r', f), method = 'curl'))
Depending on your...