Implementing blockchain-based IoT in practice
In the following section, a practical example is provided of how to build a simple IoT device and connect it to the Ethereum blockchain. The IoT device in this example will be connected to the Ethereum blockchain and used to open a door (in this case, the door lock is represented by a Light Emitting Diode (LED) when the appropriate amount of funds is sent by a user. Note that this is a simple example and requires a more rigorously tested version to be implemented in production.
The prerequisite hardware components are listed as follows:
- A Raspberry Pi device, which is a Single Board Computer (SBC). The Raspberry Pi is an SBC developed as a low-cost computer to promote computer education, but it has also gained much more popularity as the tool of choice for building IoT platforms. You may be able to use earlier models too, but those have not been tested. You can explore more about Raspberry Pi at