HTTPS, authentication, and JSON
The way in which modern applications communicate is a vast and complex topic, but, in this book, I will ignore the first six of the seven layers of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) model and concentrate on the Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) as the protocol of choice. (For more information about the OSI model, go to
In a real enterprise integration scenario, you will be supported by the IT department. They are responsible for all the firewalls, VPNs, proxy servers, DNS services, mail servers, and all the other parts that make up the enterprise IT landscape. They'll be able to help you with most challenges you encounter.
First, we need to discuss how two systems communicate using HTTPS.
HTTPS is one of the most used protocols in modern times to exchange structured information between two systems. To be more specific, with the S standing for secure, it means that all data is encrypted by one...