The process of preparing the environment is similar to the process that is used for a single region. You will have a resource group and networks that you want to connect:
$ az group create -l "West Europe" -n "azureadministratorvnet-euw-rg"
$ az group create -l "North Europe" -n "azureadministratorvnet-eun-rg"
$ az network vnet create -g "azureadministratorvnet-euw-rg" --name "vnet1" --address-prefixes ""
$ az network vnet create -g "azureadministratorvnet-eun-rg" --name "vnet2" --address-prefixes ""
In the preceding code block, I once again used two different commands:
- az group create: To create a resource group in separated regions
- az network vnet: To create VNets in separated resource groups
Now, with the two separate setups ready, we can try to implement a connection between them.