CDI producers comes with the @Produces annotation. It is useful when we need to have complete control over the instantiation of the bean, with some custom code execution, before actually creating the instance.
Let's write an IdentityCreator class. It has a function called createPerson(), which takes inputData as an argument. If the person has preferred choice of language, it is represented by the preferredLanguage attribute. If preferredLanguage is not given in inputData, we will have to create a person instance with defaultPreferredLanguage. This is shown in the following code:
class IdentityCreator {
private lateinit var defaultPreferredLanguage:PreferredLanguage
fun createPerson(inputData: InputData): Person {
val person = Person()
if (inputData.preferredLangauge == null)
person.preferredLangauge = defaultPreferredLanguage