Time for action – customizing the data grid
We'll pick up right from where we left off with our data table. If you'd like to save your basic data grid example, just save a copy of the files we created. Then, perform the following steps to customize the appearance of your data grid:
- Head over to http://jqueryui.com/themeroller where we'll take a look at the ThemeRoller plugin. Take a look at the following screenshot to see the page. In the left-hand side column, you'll find the controls for selecting a predefined theme or creating a custom theme, and the right-hand side wide column contains samples of several different types of widgets.
- Click on the Gallery tab in the left-hand side column, and you'll see that you have dozens of choices of prebuilt ThemeRoller themes to choose from. As you click on different samples, you'll see the sample widgets in the right-hand side column update to reflect that style. I usually like to get started by selecting a prebuilt...