One of the good things about JIRA is that it has a simple but powerful user interface. A lot has changed between 3.13.x and 5.x in terms of the user interface, but it continues to keep users happy and plugin developers interested.
While the existing JIRA interface works for many people, there are cases where we need to modify bits and pieces of it, add new UI elements, remove some, and so on.
Normally, when we think of modifying a web application's user interface, the first thought that comes to our mind is to go and modify the JSPs, VMs, and more . While it is the same in some cases for JIRA as well, a lot of the user-interface changes can be introduced without even touching the JIRA code. JIRA helps us to do that with the help of a number of UI-related plugin modules.
In this chapter, we will be looking at various recipes for enhancing the JIRA UI with the various plugin modules available, and also, in some cases by modifying the JSPs or other files involved.
Note that the look...