Computing ordinary least squares regression
The OLSMultipleLinearRegression
provides Ordinary Least Squares Regression to fit the linear model Y=X*b+u. Here, Y
is an n-vector regress, and X
is a [n,k]
matrix, where k
columns are called regressors, b
is k-vector
of regression parameters, and u
is an n-vector
of error terms or residuals.
How to do it...
Create a method that takes a two-dimensional
array and a one-dimensionaldouble
array:public void calculateOlsRegression(double[][] x, double[] y){
Create an OLS regression object and add the data points x and y:
OLSMultipleLinearRegression regression = new OLSMultipleLinearRegression(); regression.newSampleData(y, x);
Calculate various regression parameters and diagnostics using the following methods in the
class. The usage of these information depends on your task in hand. Finally, close the method:double[] beta = regression.estimateRegressionParameters...