Drawing clock dial markers using tiled clones
In this recipe we will rehash the simple clock dial design seen in the first recipe of this chapter, and recreate it in fewer steps using tiled clones.
How to do it...
The following steps will show you how to easily draw clock dial markers:
1. Select the Rectangle tool (F4 or R) and create a narrow vertical rectangle.
2. Unset its fill by using the Unset fill option from the menu popup in the Style indicator or using the Fill and Stroke (Shift + Ctrl + F) dialog. It will appear black. Remove its stroke.
What's the difference between a Removed and an Unset fill or stroke?
Good question. If you take a look at the SVG XML of an object, you will see that removing will set the relative style — fill/stroke attribute of the object to None. Whereas unsetting it will remove the attribute entirely, thus permitting the object to acquire this attribute from a parent.
3. Switch to the Selector tool (Space or F1 or S) and bring up the rotation handles on the...