Conditional block: Many reports in one
The purpose of this recipe is to introduce you to a very useful and powerful control of Report Studio called Conditional block.
Users want a report on sales figures. They want the facility to split the numbers by product lines, periods, or retailer region, any one at a time. For convenience purposes, they don't want three different reports, instead they are looking for one report with the facility to choose between the report types.
Getting ready
Create a report with three list objects. Define the list columns as follows:
List 1: Product | Product lines and Sales fact | Quantity.
List 2: Time dimension | Current year, Time dimension | Current month and Sales fact | Quantity.
List 3: Retailer site | Region and Sales fact | Quantity.
Define appropriate grouping, sorting, and aggregation for all the list objects. Make sure that all objects use different queries.

How to do it...
We will start by creating a prompt for report type. Go to Page Explorer and add a...