As we discussed in the previous section, PyOpenCL has a clear advantage with respect to code length over OpenCL and HIP as the former is Python-based. Now, let's get our hands dirty and write our first PyOpenCL code. Follow these steps to get started:
- First, open a new file on PyCharm:
- Now, let's use the following code to implement OpenCL code within a single .py Python file. This is a regular and basic format in PyOpenCL:
import pyopencl as cl # Importing the OpenCL API
import numpy # Import Numpy for using numbers
from time import time # Import access to the current time
N = 500000000 # 500 Million Elements
a = numpy.zeros(N).astype(numpy.double) # Create a numpy array with all zeroes
b = numpy.zeros(N).astype(numpy.double) # Create a second numpy array with all zeroes
a.fill(23.0) # set all...