You could create a script to compile Vyper code, instead of using a command-line utility. Make sure that you are in the same directory containing hello.vy and donation.vy. Create a script named compiler.vy, as follows:
import vyper
import os, json
filename = 'hello.vy'
contract_name = 'Hello'
contract_json_file = open('Hello.json', 'w')
with open(filename, 'r') as f:
content =
current_directory = os.curdir
smart_contract = {}
smart_contract[current_directory] = content
format = ['abi', 'bytecode']
compiled_code = vyper.compile_codes(smart_contract, format, 'dict')
smart_contract_json = {
'contractName': contract_name,
'abi': compiled_code[current_directory]['abi'],
'bytecode': compiled_code[current_directory]['bytecode...