Understanding the delayed transaction durability
Delayed transaction durability can reduce the waiting time caused by I/O throughput on the database transaction log. With Delayed Durability the transaction log records are stored in memory and written to the disk in batches, which in turn means shorter I/O wait times. The process is sometimes referred to as a lazy commit.
Delayed transaction durability uses a process of asynchronous log writes to disk. The transaction log records are stored in memory and are written to the log (hardened) when the buffer is full or a buffer flushing event happens. This process can reduce latency or wait time in the system along with reducing contention and the possibility of blocking in the system.
With Delayed Durability, the commit process does not wait for the transaction to be written to the transaction log (or hardened) before returning control to the client. Also, concurrent transactions are less likely to compete for log I/O. Instead, the transaction...