Time for action – generating coins
The goal of the game we are trying to implement is to collect coins. We will spawn coins now and then in random locations of the scene.
Create a new QML Document and call it Coin.qml
. In the editor, enter the following code:
Item { id: coin Rectangle { id: coinVisual color: "yellow" border.color: Qt.darker(color) border.width: 2 width: 30; height: width radius: width/2 anchors.centerIn: parent transform: Rotation { axis.y: 1 NumberAnimation on angle { from: 0; to: 360 loops: Animation.Infinite running: true } } Text { color: coinVisual.border.color anchors.centerIn: parent text: "1" } } }
Next, open the document where the scene is defined and enter the following code somewhere in the scene definition:
Component { id: coinGenerator Coin {} } Timer { id: coinTimer interval: 1000 repeat: true onTriggered: {...