In this section, I'm listing some core C# language and Unity engine features that you should already be familiar with before continuing to more advanced parts of this book.
The following are some core features of C#:
- Familiarity with class access modifiers such as public and private
- Fundamental knowledge of basic primitive data types (int, string, bool, float, and arrays)
- A conceptual understanding of inheritance and the relation between a base class and a derived class
The following are some core features of Unity:
- A basic understanding of how to write a MonoBehaviour script and attach it to a GameObject as a component
- Ability to create a new Unity Scene from scratch and manipulate GameObjects inside the editor
- Familiarity with Unity's basic event functions (Awake, Start, Update) and their sequence of execution
If you are not familiar with the concepts listed previously, I would recommend reading the books and documentation that are listed...