The main view controller
There isn't a lot of code in this view controller, but the functionality it enables is very important. Let's take a look:
// app/view/main/MainController.js Ext.define('Instrumatics.view.main.MainController', { extend: '', alias: 'controller.main-main', routes: { ':controller': 'onNavigate' }, listen: { component: { 'tabpanel': { tabchange: 'onTabChange' } } }, onTabChange: function(tab, newCmp, oldCmp) { this.redirectTo(newCmp.getReference()); }, onNavigate: function(controller) { var view = this.getView(); view.setActiveTab(view.lookupReference(controller)); } });
Not much code, to be sure, but a lot going on. This is the part of the application that deals with routing, so let's take a bit of time out to discuss what routing actually is.
There's a pretty comprehensive description of routing in the...