What's a pitch meeting?
We've discussed how the elevator pitch helps explain what you do. A well-crafted elevator pitch should lead to a meeting. A pitch meeting will help you get something you want (that is, achieve your goal). There are two types of pitch meetings:
An external pitch meeting is when someone from outside the organization meets with a company to sell (that is, "pitch") something. It could be a product or service. Depending upon your role, you could be the person pitching the product or service or the person receiving the pitch.
An internal pitch meeting is when a group of people within an organization meet to hear about a product, service, or idea. While pitches are often sales oriented, there can be non-sales pitches. I might pitch the idea of conducting an employee opinion survey or sending our company phone contract out for bid.
At some point, the conversation might turn to finding a vendor and listening to sales presentations, but the pitch is about selling the idea or plan...