Monitoring the Edge with Prometheus and Grafana
One use case for edge computing is to monitor devices that get data about temperature, humidity, speed, noise, and so on. For this kind of use cases, monitoring would be critical. This chapter shows a simple use case of how to visualize data that comes from edge devices with sensors. This chapter presents a whole example of how to distribute and process data across the different layers of an edge computing system. This use case takes Prometheus and Grafana as the main components to visualize and store data from sensors and uses Mosquitto (an MQTT message broker) together with Redis to implement high availability queues to process data at the edge.
In this chapter, we’re going to cover the following main topics:
- Monitoring edge environments
- Deploying Redis to persist Mosquitto sensor data
- Installing Mosquitto to process sensor data
- Processing Mosquitto topics
- Installing Prometheus, a time series database...