Section 1: Architecture Fundamentals
In this section, you will gain a solid understanding of hexagonal architecture elements: domain entities, use cases, ports, and adapters. Starting with a discussion about why we would apply hexagonal architecture principles to our project, we progressively advance our exploration by learning how to organize problem domain code with Domain Driven Design techniques.
Then, we examine the important role use cases and ports play in expressing system behaviors. Moving ahead, we explore how adapters allow the hexagonal system to be compatible with different protocols and technologies. Finally, we close the section by discussing how driving and driven operations influence the behaviors of a hexagonal system.
This section comprises the following chapters:
- Chapter 1, Why Hexagonal Architecture?
- Chapter 2, Wrapping Business Rules inside Domain Hexagon
- Chapter 3, Handling Behavior with Ports and Use Cases
- Chapter 4, Creating Adapters...