CORS in Windows Azure Storage
Without CORS, all cross-domain requests to the Windows Azure Storage service would need to be proxied via the service, and the service would have to scale the proxy servers for an increased load. As we have seen already, CORS removes the need for an intermediate proxy for cross-domain requests.
CORS is supported for the Blob, Table, and Queue services in Azure, and can be enabled for each service through the Windows Azure Storage Client Library.
More details about CORS for Windows Azure Storage are available in an MSDN blog post: .
CORS usage scenarios for Windows Azure Storage
The following are some scenarios explaining why CORS may be used for Blobs and Tables in Windows Azure:
CORS for Windows Azure Blobs (file uploads)
CORS for Blobs allows direct file uploads to a Windows Azure Storage account through the client browser. CORS, along with the Shared Access Signature (SAS) authentication mechanism, grant the user write privileges to your storage account in...