Adding comfort mode locomotion
We have mentioned the potential of motion sickness several times already in this chapter, and earlier in this book. In general, the more control you give the player in moving around within VR the better off she'll be and reduce the risk of feeling queasy. Offering a button to start/stop motion is one step, as we just saw. Another is what's commonly referred to as comfort mode.
It's been discovered that using glide locomotion around curves is worse than simply going in a straight line. So, one technique for getting around in a VR scene is only allowed forward motion, regardless of which direction the player is looking, and then use the thumbstick to change direction. Also, rather than allow the thumbstick to change the direction angle continuously, we limit it to fixed angle steps of 30 degrees, for example. We'll add this to our GlideLocomotion
script as follows.
At the top of the class, add the following variables:
public float comfortAngle = 30f; private...