Switching styles with "Transform Form"
The ChronoForms default styling doesn't always suit. So, ChronoForms provides a basic form theming capability. There are only two themes provided — "default" and "theme1".
Getting ready
We're using the same form as in the previous recipe.
How to do it...
1. In the Forms Manager, check the box next to your form name and then click the Transform Form icon in the toolbar.
You will see a warning that using Transform Form will overwrite any manual changes to the Form HTML and two form images — one for the "default" theme and one for "theme1".
There's a radio button under each theme, and Preview and Transform & Save buttons at the bottom left.
The Preview button allows you to see your form with the theme applied. This will not overwrite manual changes; Transform & Save will!
Warning: Using Transform & Save will recreate the Form HTML from the version that ChronoForms has saved in the database table. Any manual changes that you have made to the...