action table 77
Advanced Micro Devices (AMD) 372
alternation 36
ambiguity 73
American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) 103, 395
anti-patterns 419
arity 106
array 194
operations, checking 194
types, checking during accesses 197, 198
types, checking during creation 195-197
variable declarations, handling 194, 195
array type 24
assignment 146
associative array 478
atomic data types, Unicon 475
numeric 476
textual 476
atomic types 23
atomic values 251
AT&T assembler syntax 372
backtracking 344
base pointer register 330
basic block boundaries 378
big inhale model 95
binary icode format 366
block region 446
built-in functions
adding, to bytecode interpreter 408
developing, for Unicon 414, 415
integrating, with control structures 410, 411
writing 408
writing, for use with native code implementation 409, 410
built-in macro...