Using miscellaneous Blueprint nodes
In this section, we will learn about some Blueprint nodes that can be very useful in certain situations.
These are the nodes covered in this section:
- Select
- Teleport
- Format Text
- Math Expression
- Set View Target with Blend
- AttachActorToComponent
- Enable Input and Disable Input
- The Set Input Mode nodes
The Select node is very flexible. It can work with several types of variables for the index and the values of options. The node returns a value associated with the option that corresponds to the index that is passed as input. The following screenshot shows the Select node:
Figure 15.28 – The Select node
To add more input option pins, click on Add pin +. You can set a pin type of Option 0, Option 1, or Index by dragging a variable reference or wire onto the pins. Option 0 and Option 1 can be of any type, but the Index type must be Integer, Enum, Boolean, or Byte...