ROS Commands
ROS doesn't have a graphical user interface to work with it; every action must be performed on the command line as it is compatible with Ubuntu. However, before getting your hands on the ROS, you need to learn about its most common commands. Here's a short list of them and their functionality:
roscore: This is the first command to be run when working with ROS. It enables the framework and provides support to any ROS program or operation. It should be launched in order to allow node communication.
roscd: This command switches to a stack or package directory without entering a physical path.
rosnode: These commands manage nodes and obtain information about them. Here, you can see the most used rosnode commands:
rosnode list: This command prints the information of active nodes.
rosnode info <node_name>: This informs the user about the entered node.
rosnode kill <node_name>: The function of this command is to stop a node process.
rosrun: Using this command, you can run any...