Working with databases
You can use a database to keep information organized. Databases are frequently backed by an engine called the database server. How a Database server does its job is not as important as what a database server empowers you to do.
While we have been able to store data on a file, we need to ask ourselves, “What happens if the file gets corrupted? How do we provide backup for this data?” database servers can provide redundancy, replication, and high availability for our data when we need it.
You can use a database server to store and retrieve information when you need to. When you retrieve information from a database, you specify what you want and not how to get it. This is different from how we have done things so far, where we have to program the microcontroller to do exactly what we want the way we want it. When we tell a microcontroller how to do something, that style of programming is called imperative. When we let the database determine how...